Thursday, February 15, 2018

Celebrity Culture and Death

Celebrity Deaths

Have you seen the rumors flying around about the latest celebrity death? Only to find that it was a hoax?

There are plenty of ways to find out if they're true. Obviously waiting around for confirmation is one way. Looking up Wikipedia is another but it is cumbersome riffling through tons of information to get what you are after.. IMDB seems to jump the gun on death notices and has a few false-positives.

I've stumbled upon Living or Dead which seems to be a reliable and easy to use site. It even has a page devoted to Recent Celebrity Deaths so you can keep up-to-date with it all.

The font page also has heaps of interesting information that links off into all different places.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Movies and TV Show Cast Deaths

TV and Movie Cast Deaths

I mentioned Living or Dead the other day. I found out recently that you can find out which cast members of a film or TV Show are living or dead.

I love Game of Thrones so it was interesting to see which cast members of Game of Thrones are living or dead. Trying to get that information from Wikipedia would take hours.

Movies are also on the site so I checked out which cast members of The Big Lebowski have died and then I was down the rabbit hole linking out to other movies and shows.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Man rides dinosaur - "Unbelievable Fun"

I own this cool shirt about Young Earth Creationism. I think it is fantastic for the volumes it speaks to those who know what they are looking at.

To anyone with a basic science literacy it is fun and rather silly, but I contend that Christians should wear this shirt with pride.

Faith is supposedly a virtue (a position on which I take the opposite stance). Dinosaurs existed and it is pretty hard to dispute this fact.  But creationists who believe the Earth (and universe!) to be only 6000 years old ignore the mounds of scientific evidence showing just how old dinosaurs are. It must take a lot faith to overlook the fossil record.  And when other evidence for an Earth much older than this is available, the levels of faith required to deny it climb higher still.

Having faith to flagrantly ignore scientific evidence bestows astounding amounts of virtue towards the creation myth believer. Some wear it as a badge of honor.

To me, this shirt says that through faith in Jesus Christ you can believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old, despite the existence of dinosaurs. Jesus defeats science.

Of course dinosaur fossils are just one aspect this faith is defeating.  Let's not ignore:
  • Other fossils;
  • Continental drift;
  • Glacial layering;
  • Stalactites;
  • Evolution;
  • Stars, galaxies, the cosmos;
  • Tree ring chronology (up to 11,000 years in some places);
  • Radioactive isotopes;
  • Asteroid craters;
  • Coral reefs (for both reef development and slowing Earth rotation evidence);
  • Erosion;
  • Diamonds, oil, petrified wood.
There are many more scientifically proven examples of why the Earth is much greater than 6000 years old and I encourage everyone to read up about them.

Sadly, the most important things being defeated here are truth, knowledge and rational thought. The same trio defeated many time over in religious texts.

Each of the items in the above list are true whether you believe them or not.

I stated that I do not believe faith to be virtuous.  Faith is blinding. Faith encourages ignorance. Having faith means that you can look a dinosaur squarely in the eye socket and say it either doesn't exist or man once roamed the Earth with it. The stronger the evidence, the greater the faith required to deny it and the greater the "virtue" bestowed on that person. From a rational standpoint you could say that greater faith breeds greater ignorance.

It has been my experience that belief in God is not a decision arrived at based on facts, knowledge or rational thought. It is an emotional decision. And emotions are very good at clouding rational thought.

Faith is belief despite evidence, not belief as a result of evidence.

Regardless, as an Atheist, I love the shirt. And I hope that Christians do too.  We can both wear it and share a little smile when we pass in the street.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On the Eighth Day God Created Sin

A venomous tool of religion is the confounding concept of sin.  By definition, sin is a transgression against God or his will. But it has a lot more baggage than that.

Christianity uses sin to control people.  Sin causes people to feel fear, guilt and shame.  It strangles the (metaphoric) soul and prevents a person from reaching their true potential.

Faced with committing a sin, even accidentally, a person feels anxiety, fear and guilt.  Having sinned, shame is added into the mix as well as a new fear of judgement by the righteous (I will cover the bullying nature of righteousness in another post), fear of condemnation to hell and the shame of being found out.

It rots to the core and has caused grief to untold billions throughout history. Sin and hell is inculcated to vulnerable children at their preacher's feet and on their mother's knee. The mental and emotional abuse continues through the ages. The saddest thing is that the people who are meant to love and nurture these children are ignorant of the damage they are doing.

The baffling book of Genesis shows us how sin came into the world.  It was via God.

God created the paradise of Eden for Adam (and later Eve) and placed two trees in it.  Adam was promised death if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge, and eating from the Tree of Life would grant eternal life. Eve was not granted the same warning.

Surely such a dangerous tree would be kept out of reach.  In fact, why create such a damnable tree in the first place? (Mental note, don't let God near the kids lest he puts them in the bath next to a running toaster!)

Adam inexplicably bypassed the Tree of Life and went about his business in the garden (probably trying to remember the names of the tens-of-millions of animal species he named the other day).

With his ominscience, God knew what would happen. God had set Adam up to fail. There are many adjectives that can be used to describe this behaviour and none of them are positive.

We all know that a talking serpent (a species that has obviously become extinct) urged Eve to eat the fruit.  And Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge at her behest and some 900 years later he received his promised punishment of death.  Sin and shame had entered the world through God's entrapment.  Glory! 

God then goes on to shoot the messenger by cursing the serpent to slither on its belly and eat dust forevermore.

On top of that, Adam and Eve were evicted from the garden and given The Curse.  Not satisfied with punishing Adam and Eve for the heinous crime of eating some fruit, he passed the curse on to every single person who has ever lived.  The Original or Ancestral Sin had arrived and every person born is subject to it.

I think that God is quite petty for the arbitrary things that are considered sins.  For example:
  • Eating a piece of fruit from a prominent and enticing tree;
  • Wearing clothes woven of two different fabrics;
  • Eating shellfish;
  • Planting two kinds of seed in your field;
  • Suffering a witch to live; etc.
God needs to toughen up if these thing affront him.

I'm not saying that there isn't wrong and right. But sin is a social contrivance designed to bring suffering to the masses. Once infected, you must cleanse yourself according to the direction on the box of your religion.  The Catholics have the arrogance to allow priests to absolve sins, meaning you must come back each week to confess.

I refuse to subscribe to the concept of sin. I will also be raising my children to not believe in the specious concept so they can grow to be well-adjusted, moral and fearless members of the human race.

I sit here in my poly-cotton shirt contemplating my dinner of prawns marinated with chilli and garlic picked from my garden, I feel no shame, grief, fear or anxiety.  Life is good and I don't intend to let God get in the way of that.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cool and crazy t-shirts

Here's a shameless plug, for one of my favorite t-shirt sites ... there were no inducements to make this post.

I thought about making this quick post because one of my favorite shirts got ink on it and when I realized I still needed it in my life I ordered another one. That's an endorsement, I thought to myself.

(I'd also like to apologize to my neighbours for the brief burst of profanity when the ink splashed into fabric.)

So, Shirt Happened is one of my favorites among many and the fact that they make my favorite atheism design is a blessing in itself.

Oops, here's the link for heaps of cool t-shirts and their atheism shirt department.

Please support them. I want to see what they come up with next.